

  • $ 495.00

OurChurchREADYDEX™ Research Report

—Assessing Reproductive Capabilities

—There are many ideas today of what makes a “healthy” church. However, the iFOCUS Congregational Development process focuses on enabling churches to become missionary congregations. Thus, a healthy church is defined as a missional congregation that has a large reproductive capacity. OurChurchREADYDEX™ measures the basic reproductive capabilities of a congregation to replicate itself within the segments in the community through the multiplication of new believers, spiritual leaders and congregations. Using a survey of the congregation, OurChurchREADYDEX™ indexes the congregation’s reproductive capabilities by segment on the following issues: (1) levels of a biblical worldview within the congregation; (2) the extent of disciplemaking capabilities; (3) the presence of eight key essential characteristics of a missional congregation, and (4) the level of change readiness among the congregation.

Sample Pages

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Related Questionnaire

OurChurchREADYDEX™ Questionnarie

The questionnaire is individually coded to the MOSAIC segment in which each member household resides. The cover sheet of the survey includes the member’s name and address which is removed upon completion of the survey to maintain anonymity.

Related Training

IF202 Congregational Multiplication Assessment
IF502 iFOCUS Advanced Training – Intercultural Congregations

Research Prerequisite


The OurChurchPENDEX™ Research Report must be ordered prior to ordering the OurChurchREADYDEX™ Research Report.

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