

  • $ 495.00

OurRegionalPENDEX™ Research Report

—Clarifying Associational Calling

—Missional Church Associations (judicatories, denominational groups or fellowships of churches) understand their need to cooperatively penetrate the spiritual darkness around them with the light of the gospel. The OurRegionalPENDEX™ indexes the membership of the churches within the group by the neotribal segment among which the church member lives. Then the segment profile of the aggregate totals of all of the membership data is compared to the segment profile of the regional community. This comparison yields a penetration index — a measurement of the percentage of each community segment that is a member of the church. This represents the extent to which the church has penetrated the lostness of each segment. The OurRegionalPENDEX™ clarifies the most winnable segments, those segments with the most growth potential, those segments with the most developmental potential, and those segments with the greatest mission opportunity for the congregation.

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However, in order to complete the OurRegionalPENDEX™ Research Report the membership lists with addresses from the churches within the associational group must be submitted in an EXCEL spreadsheet format. A confidentiality agreement is provided.

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